2-8-12 Meeting Minutes

SPHA General Meeting
February 8, 2012

President’s Report –Aubrey Crowley
April 14 @ 8:00AM Triatholon with ATSU
◦      Planning meetings every Monday at 7pm (SPHA rep.?)  
Roster update email
◦      Please respond to my email with your banner ID ASAP

Vice President’s Report- Chelsea Light
SPHA Retreat Sunday February 12th from 1PM-3PM in MG 1000.

Treasurer’s Report- McKenzie Tate
Dues are due at initiation. ($20 for returning members, $5 new members)

Secretary’s Report- Jessica Wentworth
Updated hours for Spring semester are posted on website 
Check to make sure they’re right. 
Please e-mail me by this Saturday if they aren’t correct. 
If you did not submit your service and/or education night hours through the website they are not posted yet
Calculating family hours… 

Service Report- Emma Hosman
Big Event! March 17th
Interest Sheet
NEMO Heart Health
Foster Families:  M-R
If none of these sound interesting, more in the future!

Education Report- Jessica Schowengerdt and Rachel Bertels
Health Fair – Help with posters and sign up to work
Puppet Pals – New members
Stress Free Fridays – Stress Balls 

Social Report- Ali Kartmann and Daniel Korenfeld
Create an account on imleagues.com if you want to play IMs. 
Need to create account by this Friday 
Interest sheet will be passed around again 

Fundraising Report- Natalie Nealon

Professional Development Report- Rachel Chambers
Attendance at any career week event will count towards your professional development hour.  

PR Report- Lane Swan
Wear your name tag when you volunteer 

MOPIP Liason- Sara Cassabaum
Met with MOPIP 

Webmaster-Andy Hill

Advisors-Dr. Clark and Dr. Donahue
Environmental Buddies  Feb 27th at KPS  1:45-2:15 p.m.
Student Wellness Project: 
◦      Take a flyer
◦      Tell your friends
◦      Schedule a session.
SPHA wellness presenters are:  Olivia Schornheuser, Sarah Shay, Sara Cassabaum, & Lane Swan
HES Outreach Programs
◦      Selected SPHA members to contact their high school counselor to promote Truman State University to juniors/seniors.  (Take TSU/HES brochures/fact sheets & marketing materials.)
Promote Truman visit days.  Follow-up:  talk to these students when they come for a campus visit