President- Katie Reysack
Voting for monetary donation for Disability Awareness video
Accreditation committee
Relay for Life T-shirt Sales
Feb 27 Wellness Zone: Dancing!
Vice President- Ashley Kuykendall
- Welcome, New Members!! We’re glad to have you!
- Voting for Re-branding Campaign
- Contact Sheets & Pattern Pals
Treasurer- Erika Holliday
- Dues are do March 26!
Secretary- Megan Sullivan
If you are on probation, hours are due by March 4th
Google doc for hours should be posted on our website soon!!
Service- Liz Chau
Future service opportunities:
Big Event
Date: March 29
Look for an email with more information.
Preferred Family Healthcare’s Zombie 5k Run/Walk
Date: April 5
Calling for 20-30 volunteers
Questions? Ideas? Contact
Education- Lauren Maag
- NSA’s Healthy Minds: Live Smart & Stay Sharp is on February 25th, and we are doing a Puzzle Raffle.
Vote on prizes
Stress Free Friday next Friday, February 28
Professional Development Chair- Katie Larabee & Carly Scott
—Career Week—
—–March 3-6——
Etiquette Dinner ……………………… Monday
Networking Reception ………………… Tuesday
Career Expo ……………………………… Wednesday
On-Campus Interviews ………………… Thursday
Social Chair- Kimberly Emery
Anyone else interested in Intramural Volleyball? At least one more boy needs to sign up!
Meet with me after the meeting if you signed up!
Public Relations- Sara McVety
Re-branding Campaign
Fundraising- Nemo & Chelsea Little
- Will be sending a Google doc tomorrow for table times to sell the previous years’ t-shirts and water bottles.
Currently working on this semester’s apparel item. Ideas?? Sweatshirt? t-shirt? cardigan? Hoodies? ((we don’t know until you tell us
If you have any suggestions for fundraising ideas, let us know!
MOPIP- Sarah Strickler
Meeting of the Minds!!!
- Applications are due February 28th! Contact me with ANY questions!
Spring Break Awareness Week- March 3rd
Don’t forget- anyone who signed up for the CPE training it is this weekend! See you there!
Wellness Symposium conference
Webmaster- Luke Knoche
- I will put up this week’s General Meeting minutes on the website tonight.
- Visit for more information!
Dr. Clark
Public Health Scholar Bowl: Apr. 11-13
Case Study Team Members are: Katie Reysack, Kara Busken, Maggie DeDecker Caitlyn Eikermann, Carly Scott, Christa Steinbach
Dr. Wodika
Environmental Buddies is tomorrow (February 20th) at 2:00
Topic = REDUCE!
Meet in Lobby of Kirksville Primary at 1:50. If you’re attending, let me know!
Battery Collection 2/24 – 3/31
High Street Clean-Up 2/24 at 4:30
Meet at corner of Normal and High St.